Our Values & Principles

Arete (Excellence), Independence, Personal Development & Wisdom

The core value of ATHENNO always will be THE excellence. Arete (ἀρετή) and Wisdom.

Excellence in any smallest detail. Excellence in any smallest interaction. Excellence in the way we serve. Excellence in the way we treat others. Excellence in the way we improve ourselves. Excellence in everything, everywhere, and anytime.

Nothing, but excellence, is tolerated.

While we can call it Excellence or Arete in the West, in the East, you might call it Kung Fu. It has nothing to do about martial arts. It simply means the way of excellence. Everything can be your Arete or kung fu. Writing. Cooking. Dancing. Thinking. Data Science. Design. Giving first.

It’s the highest standards. Highest quality. Excellence is our brand. In every smallest detail. Practice basics every day. Develop your strengths and passions. Summon your spirit and let the fire of your soul guide you.

Be intelligent, including socially intelligent, and wise, and use common sense. Have good reasoning. Constantly learn. Reflect on yourself. Do personal development.

Do not sit and wait for someone to tell you what to do. Improve yourself. Learn all the time. Improve your craft and everything you create. Make what you are working on better, every day. There are issues or bugs somewhere all the time. Make it faster, better, simpler, more beautiful, enjoyable, cheaper, safer, greener, smarter, whatever.

Justice, Equality, Merit & Opportunities for the Underprivileged

Like Lady Justice wearing a blindfold, only what value everyone brings to the table and what they can achieve matters. The best ideas win. The best competence and merit wins. Discrimination on absolutely any ground, especially birthplace, location, and passport, is strictly prohibited.

ATHENNO is governed by law and rights. Rule of Law. Natural Law. Common Sense. Equality. Principle of proportionality. Hierarchy of the law. Sources of the law. Balance. Purpose. Action. Punishment. Due process. Everything must be guaranteed and accessible to all. Every member of the organization is equal, shall behave, and may use its powers only in conformity with the meaning, and purpose of any decision or situation, and ATHENNO values. We act fairly and proportionately, seek to understand, use common sense and get it right.

We ruthlessly focus on squeezing inefficiency out of every part of the business. Work smart. We do not rise to the level of our goals. We fall down to the level of our systems and beliefs.

No managers, or talkers. Only working-class people who actually move the needle. Best opportunities are given to underprivileged ones, that includes underprivileged parts of the planet Earth.

Great Administration, Efficiency, Speed, Action & Communication

Adhere to the principles of great administration and governance.

Be of service and customer-obsessed.

We are open, available, and not busy. ATHENNO shall act in the people’s and planet's interest, communicate clearly, respond fast, and be accessible to all.

Do, or do not. There is no try. Action without philosophy is a lethal weapon. Philosophy without action is worthless. Just do it. Speed is everything. Execution is everything. Show, don’t tell. Let your results and achievements speak for you.

Communicate clearly. Network. Connect. Inform people in advance. Respond within a short timeframe.

Be fast, nimble like thunder.

The best ideas win. Everyone must be competent and always develop their own craft and align with the latest trends, industry standards, and professionalism.

If any member, partner, or any other affiliated person with ATHENNO violates these core principles, then the relationship with this person will be terminated immediately. Every human being can report any member and seek justice and answers. Every truly competent person who was discriminated against or rejected by a member who didn’t act competently can invoke the motion of replacement.

The motion of replacement allows any human being to become a competent member of the ATHENNO by replacing an incompetent member.

Science, Curiosity, Style, Simplicity

We have no ego and are intelligent and analytical. Everything is a hypothesis. No HiPPOs (highest-paid person’s opinion). Empowered teams. Empowered individuals. Nobody is an expert. The best ideas and experiment results win.

The only limit is your imagination. Be curious. Explore. Play. Travel. Meet. Have multi-cultural experience. Know history, customs, and traditions. Seek to understand. Be creative. There is no box. Always ask yourself how can we do better. No process or mindset sticks forever. Innovate. Continuously. Push humankind forward.

Do everything with good taste, beauty, fashion, design, style, and aesthetics both within and out.

Simple is not basic or easy. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. Be simple. Be accessible. Be available.

Courage, Ambition, Competition & Toughness

Don’t be afraid. You were born for this. Everyone must be a leader, at least in their own lives.

Only the results of action speak. The best idea wins.

Anything that is on your mind shall get out of your mouth. Whenever you see something that doesn’t look right, fix it, stand up for it, defend it, and be the change in the world yourself. No excuses. No complaints.

Dare for more. Constantly learn and improve. Think and imagine beyond your lifetime.

Business is an intellectual competitive sport. Play to win. Staying behind is unacceptable. Be a leader, not a follower. Eliminate any obstacles on your way. Be the best. Let competition focus on you, don’t focus on competition. Let the passion and fire of your soul, your practice, focus, and discipline outcompete, outsmart, and outmaneuver anything else.

There are no weak players. Everyone has their own strength. Play as a team. Yet as a team of A players. Become A player yourself. Become the best version of yourself. Become better tomorrow than you were yesterday.

Life isn’t easy. Suck it up. Be strong. Get tough. Sometimes you have to be aggressive. But balance shall prevail. Find your physical passion. Exercise. Stay in shape. Stay strong. It is better to be a warrior in the garden than a gardener in the war.

Have courage.

Life belongs to those who act and take it themselves. You don’t need A for B. You don’t need a degree or a teacher to start learning and be good at something. You don’t need perfect weather to go out. You don’t need a gym to have a strong and beautiful body. You don’t need to feel motivated to do something. Motivation is nothing. Get comfortable being uncomfortable and be your own leader. Drive humankind forward. Whenever you see a problem, even if it is not your responsibility, it is your responsibility to fix it.

Be a hero.

Human, Kindness, Respect, Temperance, Truth, Honesty & Candor

Be kind; Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Be collaborative and social in a smart way. It has nothing to do about parties, meetings, and empty talk. Listen to understand. Practice active and consultative listening.

Study at least the basics of psychology. Put yourself into their shoes. Use empathy. Make them feel they belong.

We are the same people when nobody pays us and nobody is watching us. We serve. Work as a team for the greater good. We help those below us to rise and follow those above us.

Control your desires. Protect inner peace. Control oneself. You are not higher or above, less or more special than anyone else. Everyone is equal. Be strong and develop resilience and learn to bounce back. Meditation. taijiquan, Walking in forests. Whatever it is for you. Recharge your energy and control your happiness and health. Balance. Take care of the environment. Be clean. Take care of the space. Pick up trash, even if it is not yours.

Respond as quickly as you can. Treat everyone with respect. You never know who are you talking to or who this person could become for you in the future. Represent yourself honestly. Do not lie. Do not ghost or block, until there is a seriously dangerous situation or you clearly stated your reasons multiple times.

Be brutally honest, provide clear, honest, and logical feedback and be fine with receiving it.